Saturday, January 14, 2012

Digital Camera 35mm

Digital Or 35mm Camera ?

Executive summary by David R Price
I have used a 35mm single lens reflex camera since - well 1974. Yes, the same camera. This was a no frills, all manual, fantastic camera. I had the standard lens, 2 zooms, 2 wide angles, extenders, dozens of filters, flash, and macro adapters. My family thought it was time for a change and that a digital camera would bring more enjoyment to my bird watching and nature walks. I finally have a digital camera. After holding out for several years for a digital camera with changeable lenses, I finally got the camera I wanted. Ok, this camera does not have the interchangeable lenses. I did some homework and studied the major differences in picture quality between cameras.
Everything I read said "optical zoom" outperformed "digital zoom" for picture quality. Say you compare two 5 megapixel cameras - one with optical zoom and the other with digital. The optical zoom uses "optics" or lenses to magnify the image. This means the image retains 5 megapixels throughout the zoom range and therefore retains image quality. Not so with digital zoom. Digital zoom enlarges a portion of the digital image. The camera I now have has a 15X optical zoom with a 2X digital zoom. There is also something called "smart zoom". This handy feature allows you to retain a higher number of pixels even when using the digital zoom, resulting in a clearer picture that will stay clear at larger print sizes.
 I like that pictures can be zoomed, cropped, and saved in the camera after a picture is taken. Night photos were awesome. This camera has image stabilization and apparently it works! Nature photography was next. My old camera weighed several pounds with the long zoom lens and because of the lens length, the left elbow found a prop against my chest for steadying the camera. My fault - not the camera's. Still frustrated by the picture review, I was pleased nonetheless. Still butterflies are easy.
What about flying butterflies? We began comparing these shots at home, zooming them in the camera. The missed armadillo shot was amazing. The butterfly pictures blew me away! I was shooting at 8.1 megapixel at full optical zoom. WOW! Amazing! I must become more familiar with the settings that reduce lag and focus time. I think maybe I did wait too long, these digital cameras are great. Most importantly, remember that optical zoom is always favored over digital.
Find Out Which Is Best. It's Not What You Think

Executive summary by Keith S. Black
Among the long time pro photographers, digital vs 35mm is always a fun debate. For years the camera of choice and the only choice was 35mm film cameras. The use of digital cameras does not require the use of film or any kind of film for that matter. Since digital cameras do not require film, the images can be downloaded and you have the option of printing them later. Digital cameras are very easy to use, attracting more people to use them. Digital images can be printed on a variety of surfaces unlike 35mm film images.
Now more than ever, people are restoring old black and white 35mm film photos using the advanced technology of digital photography. Users of digital cameras like this because it is very convenient.Using a digital camera does not take a great deal of skill. Someone that is not a pro photographer can use a digital camera and create the most amazing looking photos. The main reason is because they can generate images fast as opposed to the 35mm film camera.The ability to produce my images quick is also why I advocate digital over 35mm. 

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